Insights and Action

Leverage Data and Analytics to Drive Better Business Outcomes

Becoming customer-centric is more than gathering data, it's about uncovering insights from data and taking action to deepen customer engagement and harness business value.


Insights and Actions Services

Accelerate your Business with Data-driven Intelligence

Data is meant to be a competitive advantage for modern businesses. We uncover intelligence from your data to help automate and augment business decisions by means of 360-degree customer diagnostics and application of advanced analytics.

At Icreon, we deliver insights that continuously build organizational intelligence and help our clients make strategic business decisions and refine customer experience. Whether it is unearthing opportunities from hidden data, devising new marketing initiatives or analyzing market success, we focus on business outcomes, we apply the best business intelligence technique to serve your crucial project needs.


Trusted by the world's leading brands

“I’ve been most impressed with their ability to tackle technological challenges. What we do is very complex, and they’ve been able to learn our business and use that knowledge to carry out our digital goals”Victor Chan- Head of IT, Labaton Sucharow

Featured Success Story: Unique Sports Management
Improving Process Efficiency at Unique Sports Management

Unique Sports Management sports talent agency specializes in bringing top-tier football players to the UK. The agency represents players seeking overseas playing opportunities. Most of their players are generally sourced by the agents, with no system to track them down, resulting in delayed processing times and roadblocks in the sports system. 

Our Insights + Action team worked closely with Unique SM to develop a robust framework that reduced process inefficiency and created a consolidated database with all player information to enable a faster process.

Read the full case study here at


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Insights and Action FAQs

  • Why are customer data platforms important?

    A customer data platform serves as a central location for all your customer data from every source, enabling you to get a complete view of your customers and their behavior across channels.

    It is designed to help you make better decisions about engaging with customers by enabling you to collect, store, manage and analyze the massive amounts of data generated by digital transactions. A CDP provides a single interface to access all the different types of data collected by an organization while providing tools that allow users to define rules and calculations that can be applied across multiple data sources in real-time.
  • What is customer diagnostics?

    Customer diagnostics is a process that allows companies to understand their customers better. By identifying their needs, preferences, and behaviors, companies can offer more personalized products and services that meet their customers' specific needs.

    The main aim of customer diagnostics is to identify potential problems with the customers' experience with your business. These may include poor product quality, late deliveries, or lengthy call times. Once you have identified these problems, you can work on ways to resolve them and improve customer satisfaction levels.
  • How do you build customer intelligence?

    To build customer intelligence, you need to know what your customers want and how they want it. You also need to know how they're willing to pay for it.
    Here are some ways to build your customer intelligence.

    Understand Your Target Market
    The first step in building customer intelligence is understanding your customers' needs and wants. You also need to find out how people shop for products similar to yours, what they think about them, and what makes them buy one product over another. You can create products that meet their needs and provide value when you understand these things.

    Improve Customer Service
    Once you know what your customers want, you can create a product or service that meets that need. If you don't have the resources or expertise to create the product yourself, you can partner with someone with those resources and expertise. Also, it's important to understand how they're willing to pay for the product or service they need. This means understanding their budget and how much they're willing to spend on the solution they need.

    Identify Opportunities For Growth
    With this information in hand, you can create an effective marketing campaign that will reach out directly to your target audience with messages about why they should buy from you — not just any other company in your industry. Once you've got this data, you can use it to improve your product or service.
  • How business analytics can be used in marketing and sales?

    Business analytics is the process of applying data science to extract insights from data, to make better business decisions. Business analytics helps identify patterns and trends in data, along with determining which actions are most likely to lead to success.

    Business analytics is used in marketing to measure what channels have the highest conversion rates and where marketing dollars should be allocated. The data helps marketers to create better content for their campaigns or adjust their strategy based on customer preferences.

    Sales professionals use business analytics to determine how many leads are generated by different marketing campaigns, how many deals are closed per month, and the average deal size over time. The data helps sales managers determine which strategies are most effective at increasing revenue while minimizing costs associated with each campaign.
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