Digital Experience Solutions

Digital customer experience matters more

Alternatives are just a few clicks away in the digital space, so having an amazing digital customer experience is even more important.


Digital Experience Solutions

Power Your Digital Experience Journey with Our Expertise

In this competitive digital landscape, we work with our clients to unearth the moments that matter most in customer, employee, and partner journeys and orchestrate software, technology, and tools to turn these high value interactions into personalized experiences that drive positive impacts.

By understanding the vision of the business, the purpose of the brand, and the expectations of the customer, we devise a north star for how digital will connect the dots. We partner with top-tier digital technology companies to create an impeccable digital experience for your customers and employees.


Trusted by the world's leading brands

"One of the biggest strengths of Icreon has been taking our business context into account and considering the wide range of users and departments that interface with our technologies on an ongoing basis."Frank Cinque, Director of Technology at Ultrafabrics

Featured Success Story: NYRR
Creating A Brand-New and Immersive Digital Experience Journey & Operations

New York City based non-profit running organization, New York Road Runners wanted to launch a new digital experience along with digitized operations for their target audience. Teaming with Icreon digital agency, NYRR has completed a unique transformational journey towards creating signature experiences for its audience.

They expanded their business capabilities to become an ideal commerce-driven company, bringing operational efficiencies and technical infrastructure to event planning, race logistics, guest experience, and e-commerce. This led to a 400% growth that increased their digital sales revenue by 850 million in total revenue.

Read the full case study here


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FAQs Around Digital Experience Solutions

  • Is there a difference between UI and UX design?

    The difference between UI and UX design is that a user interface designer focuses on the visual aspects of a product, while a user experience designer focuses on the overall experience of interacting with the product.

    UI Design
    User Interface (UI) design is the sum of all user interactions with your product or service — from initial contact to ongoing use and beyond. User Interface Design (UI) is just one component of UX. It’s how a user interacts with the digital elements of your product or service — what they see, hear and touch. This includes color, layout, fonts, and even how buttons feel when you click on them.

    UX Design
    User experience design goes beyond just how an app or website looks. It's about how easy it is to use, what people think of it when they do use it, and other important factors like whether someone will want to share their experience with others after using your product.
  • How can I improve my customers' digital experiences?

    Take a customer journey approach to your digital experiences
    The first step is to take a customer journey approach to your digital experiences. The customer journey is a framework for understanding how people interact with your brand. It looks at the different touchpoints that customers have with your business and how they move through those touchpoints over time.

    When you map out your customer journey, you can see where the opportunities are to create better experiences for your customers. You might find gaps in the services you offer or some points where customers leave without completing their tasks or buying from you.

    Make sure your website loads quickly
    If your website takes too long to load, you’re missing out on potential sales and revenue. Not only does this hurt your bottom line, but it could also result in a loss of customers and revenue.

    Avoid using plugins that slow down your site. There are many plugins out there that can help you manage different aspects of your website, but some of them can actually slow down your site significantly. Take some time to research which plugins work best for your needs and avoid any unnecessary plugins that may cause problems with your website's speed and overall performance.

    Put the human at the heart of every interaction
    Humans are more than just another part of the process – their needs must come first when designing any system or process for it to work effectively for them.

    When designing systems, think about how people will interact with them and try to make them as intuitive as possible – this means avoiding unnecessary processes and making things simple so people can complete tasks quickly without any problems or delays. The more frictionless something is, the better it will be perceived as a user experience.

    Ensure a consistent experience across all channels
    Your website should look the same across all devices, whether it's a desktop computer or mobile phone. Unified brand identity will make consumers feel like they're dealing with one company, not several. This also increases their trust in your business and encourages them to return again and again.

    If you own multiple brands or business units, make sure each has its own unique identity — but maintain consistency across all channels, so everything feels like it's part of the same company.
  • What is the relationship between Digital Experience and Customer Experience?

    Digital Experience and Customer Experience are two sides of the same coin. Digital Experience is the end-to-end user experience that a customer has with a company or brand. It spans from the first time they see an advertisement for your product or service to their last interaction with you as a customer. Digital Experience is about how customers interact with your content and channels and how you can use technology to improve their experience over time.

    Customer Experience (CX) is the sum of all interactions between your company and its customers. This includes interactions with employees at all levels of the organization, from frontline staff members to executives in leadership positions. CX is also about ensuring that new customers are welcomed into your ecosystem while retaining existing customers so they come back again and again.
  • Why do we need to think about Digital Experience Platforms?

    As technology advances at lightning speed, many companies struggle to keep up with this pace of change. They often lack the expertise needed to build complex web applications quickly and efficiently. As a result, they're often faced with two options: spend months training their developers on new technologies or outsource development work overseas where labor costs are lower, but quality control can be difficult, if not impossible, to enforce.

    This leaves many companies struggling to deliver digitally native experiences that meet customers' expectations.

    A Digital Experience Platform (DXP) is a cloud-based solution that enables organizations to build digital experiences in a unified way — regardless of platform — using a common language. These platforms include data integration, automation, and personalization capabilities, enabling organizations to deliver real-time, personalized experiences across devices.

    It can transform your customer experience so that you can engage more effectively with people at every stage of their journey through your business. They allow you to connect with other businesses and individuals worldwide via video conferencing software, live chat tools, social media networks, and more!
  • What is the goal of Digital Experience?

    The goal of Digital Experience is to help brands create an experience that will resonate with their target audience and build loyalty over time. This can be done through content marketing, social media, or another channel that allows you to connect with customers on an emotional level.

    Digital Experience is about making your website easy to use and easy to navigate. It’s about optimizing how your brand looks and feels online so that customers quickly and easily find what they want. It’s about making sure that the content is informative and engaging. And it’s about providing an excellent eCommerce experience where customers can confidently purchase products, knowing they will receive them on time and in good condition.
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