CX Strategy & Custom Research Partner

Chart A Bold Path to Success with A Powerful Customer Experience Strategy

Break down siloed processes to CX to uncover new insights and create a new growth pipeline – all while meeting increasingly challenging customer needs.


CX Strategy & Custom Research Partner

Tailored CX strategy and research to deliver business results

Early on, CX strategies were based mainly on observational customer reactions. Surveys were conducted to capture customer comments toward the “Four Ps” (product, price, promotion, and place). These were once the most vital data points collected from consumers. But now, their position within CX has become a much more complicated process.

Today, customers pursue an emotional connection with the products they buy in order to derive value from them in a less obvious way. Many brands have become so synonymous with their CX that it’s hard to imagine their brand without it. Building up this ecosystem requires a considerable amount of coordination between the client-facing aspects of a brand. From websites to apps to software experiences are examples of the underlying complexity of what a brand must consider to ensure its desired CX.

Our research helps you understand the customer journey and map touchpoints where digital solutions can make a difference. By clearly understanding your customers’ needs, we can help design digital solutions and build digital roadmaps to improve your customer experience.


Trusted by the world's leading brands

"We judged Icreon’s performance based on the sales we saw. On that metric, we proved successfully that the work they were doing outperformed our expectations."Greg Bouris, VP of Marketing at General Tools

Featured Success Story: American Geophysical Union 
Enabling the Next-Gen & Custom CX Strategy for a 100-year-Old Organization 

The American Geophysical Union (AGU) is a not-for-profit global community of earth and space sciences. AGU's challenge was to elevate its CX strategy by delivering direct access to information and enhanced connectivity—getting the right information to the right people at the right time.  Additionally, AGU wanted to reposition themselves as an industry leader.

Icreon helped them facilitate self-discovery to tap into the true digital potential through custom research. With the strategic insights from Icreon, AGU embarked on a transformational journey to achieve their vision of becoming the top-tier science-oriented non-profit organization.

Read the full case study here


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CX Strategy & Custom Research FAQs

  • How do you make a CX strategy?

    A CX strategy is a commitment to transforming your customer experience. It's a strategic alignment that serves as the foundation for prioritizing and implementing initiatives at all levels of your organization.

    Understand Your Customers
    The first step in creating a CX strategy is understanding your customers. This includes knowing who they are, what they want, what they value, how they behave, and how they interact with other people in their lives — both online and offline. You can also use customer feedback surveys to learn more about them by asking questions like “What do you like best about our products?” or “What would make it easier for you to purchase from us?”

    Write Down Your Goals for the Strategy
    Once you've gained some insight into what customers think about your brand, it's time for learning. This involves taking what you've learned from listening and applying it so that you can design better products or services for them in the future. This vision can be a long-term goal or it may be something you want to achieve within a specific timeframe, like over the next 12 months or 24 months.

    Define Your Brand Promise
    Once you've established these characteristics, it's time to think about how they align with your company's brand promise and values. A great customer experience strategy doesn't stop at hearing what customers want; it goes further by providing something unique that they didn't even know they needed until they experienced it first-hand (think Amazon Prime). The goal here is not just to meet expectations but to exceed them so much that customers feel compelled to purchase.
  • Why is CX strategy important?

    Customer experience strategy is a core component of an organization’s overall business strategy. It’s not an isolated department or function. It involves collaboration across the organization, including marketing, sales, and customer service. A customer experience strategy is important because it provides focus and direction for your efforts to engage with customers at every touch point in their journey. It helps you understand what makes up a great customer experience, how you can improve it, and where to focus your energy.

    A good customer experience strategy can help your organization:

    - Increase customer satisfaction
    - Improve customer retention rates
    - Increase revenue potential
    - Build deeper relationships with customers
  • Is market research a consulting?

    Market research is often a consulting.

    There are two types of market research: quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative research involves surveys and other methods of collecting statistical data about how people think or behave. Qualitative research involves getting people's opinions about a specific subject, such as a product's or service's strengths and weaknesses.

    If your goal is to gather statistical information, then the cost of doing so will depend on how many people you want to reach out to and how long you want the survey to run. The longer the survey runs, the more expensive it becomes because more time must be spent collecting data from participants. However, if you have a limited budget but need to get results quickly, you can opt for a shorter survey period with fewer participants.

    But this doesn't mean that quantitative research has no place in strategic marketing planning — far from it! Quantitative data can help companies understand their customers better and make smarter business decisions based on solid facts instead of assumptions or guesses.
  • What is the best way to use a customer strategy to make better business decisions?

    The best way to use a customer strategy is to make better business decisions. A customer strategy helps you understand your customers' needs and wants, what they want from your product or service, and how they will use it. This information can be used to improve your product or service and provide better customer support.

    If you don't have a customer strategy, it's easy for your business to lose sight of what matters most: your customers. You may be so concerned with getting new customers that you forget about the ones you already have. You might also focus too much on short-term goals and miss out on opportunities for long-term success.

    A customer strategy helps guide everyone in your organization toward making better decisions based on understanding who those customers are and what they need from you. It can help teams work together better because everyone works toward the same goal — providing superior value for their customers.
  • What should be included in a UX audit?

    A UX audit evaluates all the design elements within a system, product, or service. It’s a way to get an overview of how well things are working and what improvements can be made. It should include both qualitative and quantitative assessments.

    The qualitative assessment looks at the user experience from a human perspective. You can ask questions like:

    - Does the user get stuck or frustrated?
    - Is it easy to find what they need quickly?
    - How long does it take for them to do a task?

    When done well, audits can help you pinpoint common problems that plague your products and strategies for fixing them. They provide actionable insights that can improve your product in the short term and are also useful when planning improvements over the long term.

    Audits aren’t just for big companies with lots of resources — they can also be valuable for small businesses and startups working on tight budgets. In fact, many audits start out as exercises conducted by individual designers or teams within organizations. When these exercises show promise, they may be expanded into full-fledged audits by larger groups within those organizations.
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