Growth Marketing Strategy & Consultation


Traditional marketing funnels turn awareness into purchase decisions, while growth marketing takes it to the next level.


Growth Marketing Partner

Effective growth marketing strategies are built on data and analytics

At its heart, growth marketing uses data and experimentation to optimize each stage of the funnel. Although the goal is to figure out ways to turn more leads into purchases, growth marketing techniques help determine what works within specific audiences.

Our approach begins with conducting extensive research to raise your competitive awareness and then map your customer journeys to key content. We develop cross-channel strategies to target your prospects and deliver the right pieces of content at the right time. We do experiments, analyze the results, and scale the marketing tactics that drive sustainable outcomes.

We are your team of data-driven strategists, designers, engineers, and marketing consultants that can help you map out your customer journeys and find moments that matter the most to your prospects and business.

Our Growth Marketing Solutions

Trusted by the world's leading brands

“The key messaging that they developed for us has been used across sales decks, landing pages, ads, presentations, and webinars. They were instrumental in helping us transform from product selling organization to a solution selling organization. We have seen increases in numbers of leads and our sales our peaking to new levels.”Sara Garmezy, Sr. Marketing Manager of Demand Generation at Johnson Controls

Featured Success Story: Citrin Cooperman
Redefining the Digital Presence of Citrin Cooperman

A leading accounting and advisory firm based in New York, Citrin Cooperman serves small and midsize businesses across a wide range of markets. To better serve its current clients and win new business, the firm needed to revamp its existing digital presence by offering a personalized experience across the web. The firm knew that most first impressions come from a website's design, so they were committed to creating a website that best communicates Citrin Cooperman’s unique capabilities.

Icreon delivered a holistic solution that conceptualized the new website with a design-centric approach to create personalized experiences for clients and prospects across the website globally.


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Growth Marketing & Demand Generation FAQs

  • What is Demand Generation?

    Demand generation is about bringing potential customers to your company, brand, or product. It's about making sure that when people are looking for something, they find you.

    Demand generation is a way of reaching out to prospects and customers who may be interested in what you have to offer before they even know they need it. It's about identifying those prospects who would benefit from using your product or service, educating them on its benefits, and encouraging them to buy it.

    The goal of demand generation is to turn leads into paying customers by providing them with value through content marketing, lead nurturing, and conversion optimization.
  • How does Growth Marketing differ from other parts of marketing?

    Growth Marketing is a goal-oriented methodology that focuses on creating sustainable growth with fewer resources. Many companies start with a primary goal of revenue generation, but many variables dictate how to get there.

    Growth marketing focuses on testing variable combinations and studying the results to find what would be the optimal route. This removes the need for huge budgets and makes it possible for startups to have impactful marketing campaigns.
  • How does Growth Marketing fit into my company's goal of revenue generation?

    Growth marketing is a way to help your business grow by focusing on the customer experience and how you can use content, social media, advertising, and more to help attract new customers. Put simply; it's about creating more sales at a lower cost per customer than traditional marketing techniques.

    It's a process that involves three things:

    1) Research – understanding your audience, their habits, and needs to create effective messaging, content, and campaigns.
    2) Growth – creating quality content that resonates with your target audience, driving traffic to your site, and converting those visitors into leads or customers.
    3) Measurement – tracking the success of your efforts so you can optimize for future campaigns

    For growth marketing to be effective, you need to know who your target market is, where they are (geographically), and what they want from your business. Then it would be best if you created strategies based on those insights that will help attract these people to your business.

    Growth marketing is beneficial not only for B2B companies but also for B2C businesses as well! The key is understanding how your target audience thinks and feels about your product or service so that you can know what type of content will resonate with them most effectively.
  • What are some best practices for designing a growth marketing campaign?

    Start with your target audience.
    It would help if you found the people who are most likely to buy your product or service and reach them with relevant messaging at the right time. This means creating buyer personas that describe your ideal customer, building segments based on their interests, demographics, and psychographics, then reaching them with messages explicitly designed for them based on their needs at that moment in time.

    Define your goals and metrics
    What is your desired outcome from this campaign? What do you want users to do once they've engaged with your content? How will you measure success?

    Before you start designing your growth marketing campaign, make sure that you have the basics in place. This includes setting goals, defining the target audience, and defining the metrics used to measure success.

    Choose the right channels.
    What are the most effective channels for reaching your target audience? Where should you focus your efforts to get the most bang for your buck? This might include social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn, but it could also be email newsletters, search engine optimization (SEO), or even print advertising.

    Develop a content strategy
    What types of content will resonate most with your audience and drive engagement? Is it educational content like blog posts or eBooks giving people the necessary information? Or is it entertaining content like videos or infographics that keeps them entertained while delivering valuable information at the same time? Will it be both types of content combined as part of an integrated approach?

    Don't be afraid to experiment with new tactics if they seem promising — even if they don't work out exactly as planned (which is bound to happen). The more data you collect about your target audience, the better equipped you'll be when it comes time for another campaign or initiative.
  • What are the main objectives of product and service design?

    The main objective of product design is to create a product that customers want to buy. This means that products are designed with market research, focus groups, surveys, and other methods that allow companies to understand what their customers want. Designers then use this information to create products that fulfill these needs.

    Product Design
    Product design is about creating an excellent experience for users. It's also about ensuring products that work well, are intuitive, and solve real customer problems. Product designers think about all aspects of the customer experience: how people use the product and what they expect from it, how it looks and feels, how it works with other products and services, how much it costs, and how easy it is to buy, etc.

    Service Design
    Service design is similar to product design but focuses on services instead of physical goods. Service designers look at all aspects of the service experience: what happens before someone uses a service (marketing), while they're using it (user interface), after they've used it (customer support), etc. Service designers also think about how people interact with each other when using the service.
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