
Making the Case for Progressive Web Apps to Boost UX

Feb 24 2023

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Progressive Web Applications: A Game-Changer for User Experience

In today's mobile-first world, users expect a seamless and app-like experience when interacting with websites. However, traditional web apps often fall short, lacking the speed, functionality, and offline capabilities of native apps. Enter Progressive Web Applications (PWA). A PWA is a web application that combines the capabilities of websites and native apps, delivering faster, more convenient, and engaging experiences on any device.

In this post, you will explore major areas where PWAs overpower other applications and various digital horizons where you can excel with a progressive web application approach. Also, you'll discover how PWAs can revolutionize your digital strategy and deliver unparalleled customer experiences.

PWAs vs Native Applications vs Web Apps: What’s the Main Difference?

Understanding the main differences between PWAs, native applications, and traditional web apps is crucial for selecting the right technology for your needs. Let's explore how each of these platforms stacks up against one another.

Firstly, they're built with modern web technologies that deliver lightning-fast loading times, work offline, and can even send push notifications – all without requiring users to download anything from an app store.

Secondly, they excel in three key areas: capability, reliability, and accessibility. PWAs provide a seamless and responsive user experience, ensuring high performance and consistency across devices. Let’s see this differentiation in detail below:

Web apps are the oldest technology, while progressive web apps (PWAs) are the latest advancement in the field. The difference between them is inevitable. Native apps and PWAs are on par in terms of capability and reliability. However, when it comes to accessibility, PWAs outperform, offering seamless functionality even in uncertain network conditions. This makes PWAs an ideal choice for delivering a fluid and consistent user experience across various devices and platforms.


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What Does a Good Progressive Web Application Offer?

A good PWA extends the limited features of your website and combines them with the accessibility of native applications. Many prominent brands like Twitter, Pinterest, Alibaba, Tinder, and Lancôme have leveraged Progressive Web Applications to drive customer loyalty and improve user experience. These brands have seen significant improvements in user engagement and customer satisfaction, making a solid case for the effectiveness of PWAs.

For instance, Twitter's PWA, Twitter Lite, offers a fast, reliable, and engaging experience, leading to a 65% increase in pages per session, a 75% increase in Tweets sent, and a 20% decrease in bounce rate.

With slow mobile web growth, Pinterest developed a PWA that resulted in a 40% increase in time spent on the site, a 44% increase in user-generated ad revenue, and a 60% increase in core engagements.

Tinder's PWA reduced load times from 11.91 seconds to 4.69 seconds, resulting in a significantly faster and smoother user experience. This improvement has increased user engagement and satisfaction.

After upgrading their site to a PWA, Alibaba reported a remarkable 76% increase in conversions across various browsers. This upgrade not only enhanced performance but also boosted customer interaction and sales.

Lancôme saw a 17% increase in conversions and an impressive 53% more mobile sessions on iOS after launching their PWA. This significant rise in user activity has driven higher sales and deeper customer loyalty.

Considering these real-time examples, let’s dive deeper into some prime advantages of well-optimized progressive web applications.

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Benefits of Progressive Web Applications

Progressive Web Applications are revolutionizing online brand interactions, offering unparalleled performance, engagement, and convenience. Embracing PWA technology can significantly elevate your business's digital presence and user satisfaction. Here are the standout benefits that underscore why PWAs are indispensable for your business:

  1. Improved Performance and Speed: PWAs are designed to load quickly, even in uncertain network conditions. They provide a seamless user experience that keeps users engaged, reduces bounce rates, and ensures that content is accessible and interactive without delays. This results in higher user satisfaction and retention rates.
  2. Enhanced User Engagement: With features like push notifications, offline access, and home screen installation, PWAs significantly boost user engagement and retention. These capabilities create a more interactive and immersive experience, encouraging users to return frequently and stay connected with your content, even when they are offline.
  3. Increased Conversion Rates: PWAs' intuitive design and fast-loading nature significantly enhance the user experience, reducing friction in the user journey. This streamlined process makes it easier for users to complete desired actions, leading to higher conversion rates and ultimately boosting your business's success.
  4. Cost-Effective Development: PWA development is often more economical than creating and maintaining separate native apps for different platforms. This approach saves your business time and resources, allowing you to allocate those savings toward other critical areas of growth and innovation.
  5. Broader Reach: PWAs function seamlessly across all devices and platforms, offering a consistent user experience. This versatility allows you to expand your reach and target a broader audience, ensuring your content is accessible to everyone, regardless of their device or operating system.
  6. Offline Functionality: PWAs can function offline or in low-network conditions, maintaining continuous user interaction and engagement even when connectivity is unreliable or absent. This ensures that users can access content and features without interruption, providing a seamless experience regardless of network conditions.

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  8. SEO Benefits: PWAs are indexed by search engines just like regular websites, improving your search engine visibility and driving more organic traffic. This boosts your overall digital footprint, making it easier for potential customers to find and engage with your content, ultimately enhancing your online presence and business growth.
  9. User-Friendly Updates: PWAs update automatically, eliminating the need for users to download updates from an app store. This ensures that users always have the latest version without any hassle, leading to superior user experience and increased satisfaction as they benefit from the most recent features and improvements seamlessly.

Don’t Get Left Behind!

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) offer a compelling proposition for businesses seeking to elevate their digital presence and user engagement. By harnessing the power of PWAs, you can bridge the gap between mobile apps and websites, reaching a wider audience and providing an unparalleled user experience.

The success stories mentioned throughout this blog are a testament to the potential of PWAs. From increased conversions and user satisfaction to faster load times and reduced development costs, PWAs offer a win-win scenario for businesses and their customers.

Ready to take your business to the next level with PWAs? Icreon's digital product development services can help you craft a PWA strategy that seamlessly integrates with your existing infrastructure and delivers exceptional results. Our team of experienced developers has the expertise to design, develop, and launch high-performing PWAs that will keep your users engaged and returning for more. Get in touch with our experts today.